
New Year Resolution

Though I have never believed in this, I will sincerely make one( or a few ) this time.

Finally here it is. Spurt by a comment "ur day is partly for reality and partly for fiction?
" and obviously by my lack of commitment towards myself.

From next year, no... from tomorrow, I will spend 2 hrs everyday devoted just to myself. And by that I mean, doing things which I think will be 'beneficial' for me in long run.

Criteria for task to qualify for this:
1. Should not be a luxury.
2. Should not be a day-to-day chore.
3. Should not be related to work.
4. Should qualify as a 3rd-Quadrant activity.


Will this ever end? or is it a parallel to our breaths?
What is the pursuit for?
What if I find that this pursuit is for earthly things? Will I still want to go for it?
What if its hollow when I reach there?

Who will answer these ifs? Is that what this pursuit is for?
Or maybe, the pursuit will answer what will be the answer of these ifs?

Will I see someone when I reach there?
Or will I still be alone?

Like heads down, hands in jacket, swift steps,some song in mind or some voice or some smile
.....through endless corners, through endless nights, through endless streets.....



I officially join the calvin and hobbes club G.R.O.S.S.
I am enrolling for lifetime and will be the biggest supporter of the club ever, and will take this club to the greatest heights which it should reach.


Habits I have lost....

There were a few habits which I would love to acquire again...

1. Reading habit.
2. Coding habit.
3. Gym.
4. Brushing twice a day..... :)

Mind you..... I am trying very hard...


Procrastination: a self-inflicted disease.

I am even procrastinating writing this. :-)
The above sentence was written Friday night, and below Sunday afternoon.
This is basically a habit, which everyone develops unconsciously. Still its a habit, albeit a chronic one.
One actually realizes this only when he is already trapped.

The session:
Q. Define procrastination?
A. Its a habit of delaying any work/activity, which most of the times is more important+/urgent, for another activity(or no activity) which is either leisure or timepass.

Q. Main reasons?
A. It is a byproduct of laziness.
Its parallel in physics, inclination of a body to stay in region of minimum energy.

Q. How to overcome this??
A. Hmmm... I have read many sites on this, 5 ways to beat or 13 ways to beat or 3 ways to beat. I always feel they sort of miss the mark. I am pretty sure it has one simple solution. Let me look for it....

For me its mostly has been a problem that I just end up doing nothing, and skipping that something for later, which actually is never. Another thing which I have noticed is that people give an excuse(to themselves) of
planning it.

Moment: You realize that task A needs to be done now, and you have a recreational activity, task B. And you are gonna choose now.
The most important part is awareness, if you are here searching to cure your procrastination then you are already aware of it. And as you are aware, and as you are in the moment, you have a choice to either do the task or procrastinate.

So it comes down to one thing. Choice. And you are watching yourself, taking the decision. I cant force you to make the right choice. You have to do it yourself, and as i said, you are watching yourself making that choice.
And as Neo said, "Choice. Problem is choice".

And my answer is "Just do it" :-)


Movies: Which couldnt have been made better.

I am turning into a movie buff really..... and more you see European movies, more you detest these hollywood flicks. There is no soul in these movies. Some are exceptional agreed, but most are shit specially in creativity and artistic quality. And why the fuck an american needs to save this world in the end of every fcking action movie. Shit!!!!
Resisting the temptation to politicize this.

A List of movies which are complete, and couldn't have been made better.
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Life is beautiful
3. Pan's labyrinth
4. Forrest Gump
5. OldBoy

Disclaimer: This list is not complete, as I have not seen all of them out there.
Recommendations are always accepted whole heartedly.


Bill Hicks: A dark poet

Stand-up comedy means different things to different people. For some its a shelter from everyday chores for an hour of laughs, for some its a run away from thinking, 
for some its a whacky hour...... Bill didnt satisfy any of them.
He wasnt a seinfeld talking about people in supermarket, or a russell peters talkin about indians in US, or dave chapelle about black people in US and babes in discos, 
nor was he banal, cheap and absurd like dane cook, nor pointless like robin williams.
And likewise neither was he popular.

'Why do people wear crosses around their necks??? Do you think if Jesus ever come backs, he would ever wanna see a f***ing cross!!!'

You wouldnt pay to hear lots of foul words, mockin of religions and fundamentalists and an idea of spending an hour or two hearing a person promoting smoking, drugs and talkin abt pornoraphy wont be the best that came in your mind. Maybe thats why he became angrier as he went on performing, before his premature death due to cancer.

"Mister my father died for that flag.
 Well...... I bought mine for 3 bucks.
 Mister my father died in korean war for that flag.
 What a coincidence... my flag says "made in korea"
Thats freedom for you my friends: people dying in wars to buy freedom for people to burn their flags"

Maybe I have never laughed as hard on hicks, as I did when seinfeld talked about cows and milk, but I always felt connecting to bill more than anyone. It was never slapstick or cheap....

will continue.....