
Beauty and Mind

There are moments when you descend into great depths of consciousness. During these moments you witness true beauty, true life. Millions of stars in sky. Waves on a surface of a lake. Sun behind mountains. An endless road. A green valley.

As soon as you realize your state, i.e. your mind becomes aware, the feeling is lost.
And never to be had again.

Maybe mind does not recognize beauty.

Is it so?


Excerpt about ipad from time magazine....

The computer is the greatest all-purpose creativity tool since the pen. It put a music studio, a movie studio, a darkroom and a publishing house on everybody's desk.
The iPad shifts the emphasis from creating content to merely absorbing and manipulating it.
It mutes you, turns you back into a passive consumer of other people's masterpieces.
In that sense, it's a step backward.



Which one are you becoming?

Ultimately, throughout our life, we become either our own worst enemy or our own very best friend.
This love or hate relationship is quietly inside each of us.
This relationship with ourselves is affecting everything that we do, every thought we have and choice of actions we take, or don't take, daily.
It is greatly linked to how we treat and love others in our life.
This relationship with ourselves is always against our self progression or it is for it.
Which one are you becoming?


Layers of sand on life....

I dont follow my instincts anymore. Rational mind is taking over slowly....
Dunno if this is for good or not....