
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (Friends)

The series comes into mind first. I have seen the first 6-7 seasons, and each episode, god knows how many times. The series touched numerous hearts, mainly because it was true. It was true to what the theme of the show was. Friendship, though over-emphaized today, remains one of the noblemost in the world.
It was peculiar from others series that were goin around. It showed friends as they should, and not as they normally are.
They did not ask each other for help, they did not have to. They did not say thanks, its not required between friends. Apologies were only till the extent of words sorry. Nothing more. The other person did not need any more assurance that the person is apologetic.
They took each other for granted. This is a sign of solidarity and faith. Money was a problem for some of them but never a problem between them.

You never make friends, you become one.
I have never made any friends, but I have been blessed with many.

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